Let’s look at some of the most common keyword analysis tools and methods to find out the potential search volume for a website. So, where do you start finding your potential search volume?

Which keywords are there potential for?
After doing a proper competitor analysis, you have found out what the main competitors are using for keywords. This is usually a good start, since its important factors for your overall search engine optimisation strategies. Now it’s time to do a keyword analysis.Doing a keyword analysis is based around the principle that you get a deeper understanding of what your target group will be searching for. Yes, that’s exactly how it works. People go to Google because they have a question or problem to solve. Your website is the one supposed to solve it.
It’s not enough to know which 100 keywords your potential users are writing most frequent in Google. You also want to know which forms are used (ie: singular or plural?). Further, it’s important to understand which other keywords are used together with your main keywords (Example: London, UK, cheap or quick). Basically, you need to understand your target group’s language in search engines to succeed with search engine optimisation.
Keyword tools to find potential search volume
There are a wide range of tools to extract keywords from. The one that you use is completely up to you. However, the most common keyword tools are probably the following:• Google AdWords Keywords Tool
• Google Insights
• Google Trends
• Google Zeitgeist
• Wordtracker
• Microsoft AdCenter Keyword Tool
• Trellian’s Keyword Discovery
Also make sure to read “Keywords To Optimise” to get deeper knowledge and understanding of which words and phrases to target and Keyword Analysis to get an understanding of why to care about keywords in the first place.